Thursday, June 25, 2015

5 Different Types of Penalty

5 Different Types of Penalty

1. Toss Up 
A Toss Up is used when two opposing players simultaneously: catch the ball, knock the ball out of court; go offside with one holding the ball; contact each other or when an umpire cannot decide who last touched the ball out of court. The two players stand 0.9m (3 feet) apart, facing each other and their own goal end. Their arms should be straight with hands by their sides. Once in position, they must not move until the umpire has tossed it up from just below shoulder height of the shorter player, and blown the whistle. The ball may be caught or batted except directly at an opponent. A Goal Shooter or Goal Attack may shoot for goal from a successful possession at a Toss Up.

2. Free Pass 
A Free Pass is awarded for infringements on the court involving one player, such as offside. The pass is taken where the infringement occurred by any player who is allowed in the area. 

3. Throw-In 
When the ball goes out of court, the umpire takes note of which team touched it last. The throw in is then taken by a player from the opposing team close to where the ball went out of court. Standing close to the line from the outside of court, the player has three seconds to get the ball back in play.

4. Penalty Pass/Penalty Pass or Shot 
A Penalty Pass/Shot is awarded for Contact and Obstruction infringements. The pass is taken where the infringer was standing. Any player who is allowed in the area can take the pass. The penalised player must stand “out of play”. That is, beside and away from the player taking the pass, until the ball has left their hands. A Goal Shooter or Goal Attack taking a Penalty Pass/Shot in the Goal Circle may either pass or shoot for goal.

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