Thursday, June 25, 2015

Playing Position

Playing Position

Each playing position has a specific area of the court in which to play:

  • GS (Goal Shooter) - Scores and works in and around the Goal Circle with the Goal Attack. 
  • GA (Goal Attack) - Feeds and works with the Goal Shooter to score.
  •  WA (Wing Attack) - Feeds the Goal Circle players giving them shooting opportunities. 
  • C (Centre) -  Takes the Centre Pass and controls game flow between attack and defence. 
  • WD (Wing Defence) -  Looks for intercepts and prevents the Wing Attack from feeding the ball into the Goal Circle. 
  • GD (Goal Defence) - Defends the Goal Attack, looking for intercepts, trying to prevent the Goal Attack and Goal Shooter from scoring.
  •  GK (Goal Keeper) - Works with the Goal Defence to prevent the opposition Goal Attack and Goal Shooter from scoring.

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