Thursday, June 25, 2015

Rules in Netball


Starting Play
Play is started with a pass from the centre circle – this is called the centre pass. There is a centre pass at the
beginning of each quarter and half, and after each goal is scored. The teams take turns making the centre pass. The person making the centre pass must stand in the centre circle.

 The opposing centre can stand anywhere in the centre third but all other players must stay in the goal thirds (behind the middle third lines) until the umpire blows the whistle to start play. The centre pass has to be received in the centre third.
A player cannot accidentally or deliberately contact another player, in such a way that interferes with that player or causes contact to occur. For example, pushing, holding, leaning or tripping. 

 A player with arms extended cannot defend a player with the ball closer than 0.9m (3 feet). 

Held Ball
 You’ve got to be quick! A player must pass the ball or shoot for goal within three seconds of receiving the ball.

Footwork / Stepping 
Having caught the ball, a player may land or stand on: 

• One foot – while the landing foot remains grounded, the second foot may be moved anywhere any number of times, pivoting on the landing foot if desired. Once the landing foot is lifted, it must not be regrounded until the ball is released.

 • Two feet (simultaneously) – once one foot is moved, the other is considered to be the landing foot, as above. Hopping or dragging the landing foot is not allowed.

Over a Third
The ball cannot be thrown over a complete third without first being touched or caught first by a player in that third. 

Players must stay within their designated playing areas. If a player goes offside, a free pass is awarded to the opposing team where the player went offside. A player may reach over and take the ball from an offside area provided that no part of their body touches the ground in that area. The lines that bound each area are part of that area.  

Playing the Ball (or Replay)
A player who has possession of the ball may not bounce the ball and re-gain possession of the ball (replay it). 

If a player does not catch the ball cleanly, it may be allowed to bounce once to gain possession or batted or bounced to another team mate. After throwing the ball, a player cannot play it again until it is touched by another player, or rebounds off the goal post.

Two umpires have control of the game and make the on-court decisions about the run of play.

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