Friday, June 26, 2015

Netball's skill


Shoulder Pass
A long, flat, hard pass used to cover long distances of the court.

  •  Face your target 
  • Hold the ball in one hand, hand outstretched behind the ball with elbow low 
  • Transfer weight and step forward with opposite leg to throwing arm 
  •  Follow through where you want the ball to go
  • Flick the wrist at the end of the flow to add more power 
  • If players do not have the strength/size to hold the ball with one hand, the second hand can be used to balance the ball in front
Chest Pass
An accurate pass used to cover short and middle distances of the court
  • Face your target
  • Both hands in the shape of a ‘W’ behind the ball, elbows tucked in (no chicken wings!) and relaxed 
  •  Step in to the pass, transfer weight forward and release the ball 
  • Follow through with the arms and a slight flick of the wrist at the end of the flow 
  • Begin with both feet facing the goalpost, feet shoulder width apart and knees relaxed 
  • Raise the ball above your head with your preferred shooting hand, resting the ball
    on the pads of the fingers
  • Use your opposite hand to lightly steady the ball (do not hold the ball with both hands)
  • Bend both elbows and lower the ball behind your head
  • At the same time, bend your knees to generate power
  • Simultaneously, bring both the knees and arms up, and push the ball of the hand towards the goal
  • Follow through with a flick of the wrist
‘Hands Over The Ball’ 
  • As soon as your opponent takes possession of the ball, quickly step or jump back 0.9m distance
  • Keep your head up with eyes on ball and opponent
  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees, hips and ankles slightly bent
  • Stretch both arms out and in position over the ball 
  • ‘Follow’ the ball with your arms, blocking the path of the ball as much as possible 
One On One Shadowing

  • Stand in front of opponent with back to attacker, and body halfway across opponent’s body
  • Arms close to sides of body
  • Feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, weight slightly forward over toes and back upright
  • Vision to see attacker and the ball
  •  Shadow your opponent’s moves using fast small steps
  • Aim to move feet, keep head up and maintain vision of the attacker and not swing head 

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